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Grupo MAVIC® 22 years as a company.

Grupo MAVIC® 22 years as a company

Published 02/05/2023 - On January 3rd, we celebrated 22 years providing our products. 18 years with great satisfaction, achievements and happiness. We are a young company with ten years of experience in the manufacturing of industrial brushes, covering great industry sectors such as: Automotive, Food & Beverage, Cleaning, Metallurgical, Agro industry, Mining Wood, Laboratories, etc.

Exporting our brushes to several countries in Europe and South America. Hoping that our future clients give us the opportunity to provide our services as we know they will be fully satisfied.

  • Cepillos de Alambre de Acero Ondulado
    Ideales para un primer barrido, para carreteras en
    reparación o pavimentadas.
  • Cepillos Filamento Plástico
    Ideales para parrido de arena, hojas o como un
    segundo barrido en cualquier superficie.
  • Cepillos mixtos (Alambre acero y plástico)
    Ideales para el barredo de grava suelta logrando
    un cepillado profesional.